Our Saint

Saint George – April 23

StGeorgeSaint George (Latin: Georgius; c. 275/281 – 23 April 303 AD), was born in Lydda in Palestine,and was a soldier in the Roman army, later venerated as a Christian martyr.

As a Christian Soldier in the army of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, St George boldly proclaimed his allegiance to Christ. This ultimately cost him his life when he urged Emperor Diocletian to stop vehemently persecuting Christians.

St George was finally beheaded on 23rd April, 303 AD. For diligently keeping the faith.

Many stories are recounted about St. George slaying a legendary dragon with a woman looking on. The dragon is symbolic of Satan being defeated as described in Rev. 12:9. The woman represents God’s grace and truth which is victorious in the battle.

We annually commemorate St. George on the anniversary of his death, April 23rd.

Copied with permission from www.thundebay-northshoreanglicans.com